Posted by nysdee's journal
No | Bahasa Indonesia | |
Bahasa Santun | Bahasa Tidak Santun | |
1 | Mama silahkan makan! | Mama makan gih sana! |
2 | Adik, tolong matikan televisinya! | Matiin televisinya dong! |
3 | Masakannya terasa kurang enak. | Nggak enak banget sih rasanya. |
4 | Muram sekali wajahmu. | Kusut banget sih muka lu. |
5 | Apakah kamu melihat pekerjaan temanmu? | Nyontek ya lu? |
6 | Yang kamu lakukan hanya tidur saja. | Molor aja kerjaan lu. |
7 | Aku berangkat dulu ya kawan. | Cuy, pergi dulu ya. |
8 | Dapatkah kamu mengambil buku itu untukku? | Eh, ambilin buku gw ya. |
9 | Maukah kamu membantuku? | Tolongin gue dong! |
10 | Maukah anda mencoba masakan ini?` | Cobain dong masakan gue! |
Bahasa santun disampaikan secara sopan dan santun dengan beberapa alasan:
1. Jika kita berbicara dengan orang yang lebih tua.
2. Menyesuaikan dengan keadaan, waktu, dan tempat.
3. Menjaga perasaan lawan bicara.
Kata-kata santun yang biasanya digunakan adalah: Silahkan, tolong, maukah, dan dapatkah.
Bahasa tidak santun disampaikan dengan tidak sopan dengan beberapa alasan:
1. Jika lawan bicara kita lebih muda
2. pangguna bahasa tersebut kurang berpendidikana atau tidak mengetahui keadaan dan status sosial lawan bicara
3. Pengguna bahasa tersebut tidak memiliki etika yang baik.
Kata-kata tidak santun yang biasanya digunakan adalah: Eh, cuy, dong, dan beberapa kata-kata tidak formal yang biasanya hanya digunakan untuk teman sebaya.
No | English Language | |
Polite Language | Impolite Language | |
1 | Could you help me? | Can you help me? |
2 | Would you bring the book for us? | Will you bring the book for us? |
3 | You have to buy an ice cream for me. | You must buy an ice cream for me. |
4 | Get out from the class please! | Go out! |
5 | Please, don’t cheat! | No cheating! |
6 | How are you? | What’s up? |
7 | I am fine, very well. | I am ok. |
8 | I wan to go to the market. | I wanna go to the market |
9 | Forgive me, please! | I am sorry! |
10 | Please don’t be noisy at the library! | Keep silent! |
Polite language are especially used when we speak with someone superior than us, to honour our partner, and when we persuade something from someone hardly.
using these words bellow:
1. Could
2. Would
3. Please
Impolite language are usually used when we speak to friends, or may be used by someone who od not educated yet.
Summaries of Sociolinguistic
Sociolinguistic usually select some features of speech and examine them with relation to society, group of people and their society. Sociolinguistic also means the study of language in its social life through linguistics. Language becomes alive, when spoken by peole when it’s spoken by people. Language doesn’t exist separately from the community, the user of the language. Therefore language must be studied as it’s naturally used. Since speaker of the language from various communities comes, language will be variable. This means it will appear in different forms from community to community.
Regional Variation
Pronouncing of the words by the people, sometimes can misunderstood because their dialect when speak. In Sociolinguistics, the speakers free to decide a language for themselves because factors like national pride and religion. The difference spelling, grammatical, pronunciation in speak called regional variation.
Dialect or Language
A large number of language phenomena (words, grammatical features, sound varieties) that appear only in one region, they distinguish a regional variety called dialect. So a dialect is neither ” country language” nor some language variety our grandfather speak, it is simply a geographical variety of language. A dialect is simply a regional variety in sociolinguistic, and because we usually grow up in one region, we speak that regional variety.
Accent is the pronunciation that represent varieties in pronunciation (phonetic and phonology). An accent tells us which country or part of the country the speaker comes from. A foreign accent warns that the speaker comes ‘from abroad’ and is not a native speaker of the language.
Individual Variation
Although sociolinguistic typically deals with group, the individual’s role should be not underestimated. Researches usually get data from individuals; this means they meet, ask or contact individuals, who mark their identity by their individual language use. Type of this language variety is called idiolect.